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Chapter Arte, storia e prestigio. Per un'introduzione alla 'ritrattistica genealogica' : la serie Guadagni di Firenze
Year: 2020 Publisher: Florence, Italy : Firenze University Press,

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Author(s) Tommasocc Language English Show full item record The paper describes the interesting and widespread phenomenon of genealogic portraiture in Florence by analyzing the case of the Guadagni family and its series of portraits. The series was commissioned during the mid-Seventeenth century by senator Tommaso di Francesco and it was intended to decorate the family House behind the Nunziata thanks to the contributions of many artists. Both in terms of quantity and artistic quality, the Guadagni portrait series represents a precious testimony of this specific portraiture genre, which started during the middle of the sixteenth century and reached its climax during the following century. This genre saw its decline in the 1700s, when the aristocratic ancient families lost their importance, and their illustrious ancestors' portraits became simple relics of a remote past.

Gabriele Malaspina, marchese di Fosdinovo : condotte, politica e diplomazia nella Lunigiana del Rinascimento
ISBN: 9788884538604 Year: 2009 Volume: 34 Publisher: Firenze University Press

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This book focuses on one of the prime movers in the unification of Lunigiana – a region which at the time was still broken up into a myriad of tiny feudal holdings, almost all in the hands of the various branches of the Malaspina family. The process of unification began in the fifteenth century, when various areas of the region were conquered by Milan and Florence, which also divided between them the hegemony of the remaining independent territories, while Genoa too displayed an interest in expansion in the region. As a result it became crucial for the local lords to manoeuvre between the various forces at play to maintain the independence of their own little states. Among the figures who displayed the greatest dexterity in this was Gabriele Malaspina, who became a leading player on the stage of local history. The book starts by illustrating the period in which Malaspina succeeded in obtaining his political independence, and then goes on to analyse the phase in which his policy came to be characterised by an absolute loyalty to Florence. Finally the book addresses the last part of the Marquis's life, marked by a progressive distancing from the Florentine alliance in favour of other entities, in which he nevertheless always succeeded in maintaining his independence. Al centro di questo volume è uno degli attori principali nel processo di riunificazione della Lunigiana – regione allora suddivisa in tante piccole signorie, quasi tutte nelle mani dei vari rami della famiglia Malaspina – che avvenne nel XV secolo, quando Milano e Firenze vi conquistarono diversi territori e si spartirono l'egemonia sui restanti territori autonomi, mentre anche Genova si mostrò interessata all'espansione in quella zona. Per i signori locali divenne quindi fondamentale riuscire a destreggiarsi fra le varie forze in gioco per mantenere l'indipendenza del proprio piccolo stato, e fra i personaggi che più risaltano per questa loro abilità e per il ruolo giocato nella storia locale spicca Gabriele Malaspina. Il libro inizia mostrando la situazione della Lunigiana al momento in cui il Malaspina ottenne la propria indipendenza politica, per poi analizzare il periodo in cui la politica marchionale si caratterizzò per la sua assoluta fedeltà all'amicizia fiorentina, e quindi la parte finale della vita del marchese, in cui si assiste a un progressivo allontanamento dall'alleanza fiorentina in favore di altri soggetti, ma in cui riuscì sempre a mantenere la sua indipendenza.

European elites and ideas of empire, 1917-1957
ISBN: 1107120624 1107543584 1316667359 1316343057 9781316667804 1316667804 9781316343050 1316667952 9781107120624 9781107543584 1316667200 Year: 2016 Publisher: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press,

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Who thought of Europe as a community before its economic integration in 1957? Dina Gusejnova illustrates how a supranational European mentality was forged from depleted imperial identities. In the revolutions of 1917 to 1920, the power of the Hohenzollern, Habsburg and Romanoff dynasties over their subjects expired. Even though Germany lost its credit as a world power twice in that century, in the global cultural memory, the old Germanic families remained associated with the idea of Europe in areas reaching from Mexico to the Baltic region and India. Gusejnova's book sheds light on a group of German-speaking intellectuals of aristocratic origin who became pioneers of Europe's future regeneration. In the minds of transnational elites, the continent's future horizons retained the contours of phantom empires. This title is available as Open Access.

El modo de ser aristocrático : el casp de la oligarquia chilena hacia 1900
Authors: ---
ISBN: 2821895836 9568416072 9789568416071 Year: 2007 Publisher: Santoago : Ariadna Ediciones,

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Detailed description of the lifestyle of groups of high Chilean society in the late 19th and early 20th century, and its social and political role. The theoretical contribution of this book is to show through the analytical practice that the study of class consciousness requires taking culture as a historical object. There is an almost implicit postulate in the work: it is important but not sufficient to situate a class in relation to the economic structure. Of course, it is required to know the material conditioning, the type of social relations of production of which a certain class is agent; and for that reason in this book the description of the economic functions of the oligarchy is central. But between the economic situation of class and consciousness there is a specific field of mediations, which is culture. That culture is more than language, discourse, theory or ideas; she is a type of practice that is apprehended through the concept of way of being (from the Prologue of Tomás Moulian).

Noblewomen, aristocracy and power in the twelfth-century anglo-Norman realm
ISBN: 0719063051 0719063043 9786610734276 1847790534 1781700281 1280734272 1417590548 9781526137555 9781781700280 9781847790538 9781417590544 9780719063046 9780719063053 9781280734274 Year: 2003 Publisher: Manchester University Press

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This is the first study of noblewomen in twelfth-century England and Normandy, and of the ways in which they exercised power. It draws on a rich mix of evidence to offer an important reconceptualisation of women's role in aristocratic society, and in doing so suggests new ways of looking at lordship and the ruling elite in the high middle ages. The book considers a wide range of literary sources such as chronicles, charters, seals and governmental records to draw out a detailed picture of noblewomen in the twelfth-century Anglo-Norman realm. It asserts the importance of the life-cycle in determining the power of these aristocratic women, thereby demonstrating that the influence of gender on lordship was profound, complex and varied. This work will be of importance to specialists in history and medieval studies, as well as those interested in the experience of women and those working on lordship and feudalism.

Noble conceptions of politics in eighteenth-century Sweden (ca 1740–1790)
ISBN: 9522227811 952222782X 9522220922 9789522227839 9789522227812 9789522220929 9789522227829 Year: 2008 Volume: 15 Publisher: Helsinki : Finnish Literature Society / SKS,

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"Noble conceptions of politics in eighteenth-century Sweden (ca 1740-1790) is a study of how the Swedish nobility articulated its political ideals, self-images and loyalties during the Age of Liberty and under the rule of Gustav III. This book takes a close look at the aristocracy's understanding of a free constitution and at the nobility's complex relationship with the monarchy. Central themes are the old notion of mixed government, classical republican conceptions of liberty and patriotism, as well as noble thoughts on the rights and duties of the citizen, including the right to rebellion against an unrighteous ruler. The study is a conceptual analysis of public and private political statements made by members of the nobility, such as Diet speeches and personal correspondence. The book contributes to the large body of research on estate-based identities and the transformation of political language in the second half of the eighteenth century by connecting Swedish political ideals and concepts to their European context."

Militär und Gesellschaft in Preussen - Quellen zur Militärsozialisation 1713-1806 : Archivalien im Land Brandenburg
Authors: --- --- --- ---
ISBN: 3653026830 3631627181 Year: 2014 Publisher: Bern Peter Lang International Academic Publishing Group

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Fuer Alltag, Sozialleben und Erfahrungshorizont der Menschen in der Vormoderne waren militaerische Aspekte allgegenwaertig. Das gesellschaftsgeschichtlich ausgerichtete Quelleninventar fuer die preussische Zentrallandschaft von der Elbe bis zur Oder fuehrt tief in diese Welt. Es stellt eine Arbeitsgrundlage fuer ein breites historisches Forschungsspektrum zur Verfuegung. Dieser dritte und letzte Teil erschliesst ueber 1.800 Archivalien aus kirchlichen Archiven, aus Kreis- und Stadtarchiven im Land Brandenburg sowie aus den Sammlungen der Stiftung Preussische Schloesser und Gaerten Berlin-Brand

Militär und Gesellschaft in Preussen - Quellen zur Militärsozialisation 1713-1806 : Archivalien im Land Brandenburg. Teil 2, Brandenburgisches Landeshauptarchiv (2. Hälfte)
Authors: --- --- --- ---
ISBN: 3653026849 3631627173 Year: 2014 Publisher: Bern Peter Lang International Academic Publishing Group

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Fuer Alltag, Sozialleben und Erfahrungshorizont der Menschen in der Vormoderne waren militaerische Aspekte allgegenwaertig. Das gesellschaftsgeschichtlich ausgerichtete Quelleninventar fuer die preussische Zentrallandschaft von der Elbe bis zur Oder fuehrt tief in diese Welt. Es stellt eine Arbeitsgrundlage fuer ein breites historisches Forschungsspektrum zur Verfuegung. Dieser zweite von drei Teilen erschliesst ueber 5.000 Archivalien des Brandenburgischen Landeshauptarchivs aus landesherrlichen Lokalbehoerden der Kurmark, aus Ober- und Unterbehoerden der Neumark und der Niederlausitz sowie a

An den wurzeln der tugend : Rheinischer adel und freimaurerei 1765-1815
ISBN: 3958960022 3958960014 3958960006 9783958960015 9783958960022 9783958960039 Year: 2015 Publisher: Köln, Germany : Modern Academic Publishing

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This study focuses on the relationship between nobility and freemasonry from 1750 to 1850. It examines the specific role of an esoteric discourse surrounding the roots of the human race, centring on legendary constructions of noble genealogies in eighteenth century Europe. The aristocratic idea of blood as a type of »liquid memory of virtue« was also found in the freemason lodges frequented by the European nobility of the eighteenth century. Both groups therefore believed in educational systems that used rites, pictures and symbols to imprint the virtues in ones blood and heart respectively. The foundation of this belief - strongly combined with an interest in occult sciences and the existence of an afterlife - can be seen in the antique "art of memory". The example of an aristocratic lodge in Düsseldorf shows how these ›research interests‹ overlapped within masonic and non-masonic networks of European noblemen and citizens. In the perspective of Rhenish noblemen in the mid of the eighteenth century freemasonry took the role of an educational system that improved the qualities of the noble blood to secure the leading position of nobility in the God-given "Ständegesellschaft". The aristocratic lodge La Parfaite Amitié therefore was not only dominated by Rhenish noblemen but also by cousinship. As a consequence, it struggled to become a "provincial lodge", which had a stronger jurisdictional position in comparison with the civil-lodge of Düsseldorf. The second example is the masonic network of Joseph zu Salm-Reifferscheidt-Dyck (1773- 1861), from the Napoleonic period. Born in the Ancient Regime to an aristocratic familiy of the lower Rhineland, Joseph zu Salm-Reifferscheidt-Dyck faced the extensive changes for the nobility of the Rhineland, caused by the French Revolution and the French occupation of the area. Together with his second wife, the Parisian Salonier Constance de Salm, he became a prominent person in the Napoleonic era. He not only acted as an influential scientist of systematic botany, as a politician and states-man but also as a high-ranking freemason in several rites, especially in the Rit écossais philosophique. This masonic system can be seen as a 'scientific' one built upon the traditions of alchemistical and hermetical circles of the Ancient Regime. The Napoleonic period saw the occult sciences increasingly outdated and replaced by modern natural sciences. The methods considered as »exact« in the nineteenth century subsequently formed the perspective of civil dominated societies and its lodges on masonic rites and grades. In the masonic network of Joseph zu Salm-Reifferscheidt-Dyck, the Rit écossais philosophique was crossed with his network as a natural scientist, resulting in masonry being seen not only as an educational system but also as an exact way to uncover the "hidden roots" of the human soul and to assess the respective qualities of it. These tendencies were strongly influenced by the natural sciences outside the masonic sphere, which in parallel tried to uncover the "hidden roots" of the nations with the pseudo-scientific concepts of "race". The civil lodges of the Napoleonic era and afterwards, with their strong emphasis on the nation, could no longer be seen as a retreat for noble man and their exclusive ideology of noble blood. The majority of the Rhenish nobility therefore turned away from the lodges in order to maintain a conservative view of itself in exclusively noble circles which still believed in the quality of the noble blood and its inherited race. Welche Rolle spielte das "Esoterische" für die Selbstsicht der adlig-bürgerlichen Eliten beim Übergang zur Moderne? Dieser Frage geht die Studie Martin Otto Brauns mit dem Titel "An den Wurzeln der Tugend. Rheinischer Adel und Freimaurerei 1765-1815" nach. Auf der Grundlage der mythischen Geschichtskonstruktionen von Genealogien des rheinischen Adels sowie des Geheimbunds der Freimaurerei zeichnet der Autor die parallel zu den Entwicklungen der Naturwissenschaften verlaufende Transformation der Vorstellung vom tugendhaften "Adel des Blutes" hin zum bürgerlichen "Adel des Intellekts" nach. Die Studie kann dabei zeigen, wie der esoterische Gehalt des frühneuzeitlichen Bildes von Wachstum und Fortschritt des Familienstammbaums sich um 1800 mehr und mehr auf die Konzepte "Nation" und "Volk" im Gesamten ausweitete. Das esoterische Denken hielt sich auf dieser Grundlage bis in die Moderne und sollte vorhandene rassische Vorstellungen adlig-bürgerlicher Eliten der "Sattelzeit" nachhaltig prägen.


Nobility --- Freemasonry --- History --- Germany --- History. --- Noble class --- Noble families --- Nobles (Social class) --- Peerage --- Upper class --- Aristocracy (Social class) --- Titles of honor and nobility --- Masonic orders --- Masonry (Secret order) --- Weimar Republic --- Germanii︠a︡ --- Германия --- BRD --- FRN --- Jirmānīya --- جرمانيا --- Nimechchyna --- Gjermani --- Federalʹna Respublika Nimechchyny --- Veĭmarskai︠a︡ Respublika --- Ashkenaz --- Germanyah --- Bundesrepublik Deutschland --- Federal Republic of Germany --- Deutschland --- Repoblika Federalin'i Alemana --- República Federal de Alemania --- Alemania --- República de Alemania --- Bu̇gd Naĭramdakh German Uls --- Kholboony Bu̇gd Naĭramdakh German Uls --- KhBNGU --- ХБНГУ --- German Uls --- Germania --- Republika Federal Alemmana --- Deutsches Reich --- Grossdeutsches Reich --- Weimarer Republik --- Vācijā --- ドイツ --- Doitsu --- ドイツ連邦共和国 --- Doitsu Renpō Kyōwakoku --- Germany (Territory under Allied occupation, 1945-1955) --- Germany (Territory under Allied occupation, 1945-1955 : British Zone) --- Germany (Territory under Allied occupation, 1945-1955 : French Zone) --- Germany (Territory under Allied occupation, 1945-1955 : Russian Zone) --- Germany (Territory under Allied occupation, 1945-1955 : U.S. Zone) --- Germany (East) --- Germany (West) --- Holy Roman Empire --- Rhine Province (Germany) --- Rheinland (Germany : Province) --- Rheinpreussen (Germany) --- Rheinprovinz (Germany) --- Rhenish Prussia (Germany)

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